• We are available to help you.
  • Main office: P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0037
  • Call us (208) 334-2270


College transfer can be complicated. We're here to make it easy!

CourseTransfer.idaho.gov offers many tools and resources to guide you along the way to a smooth and successful transfer from your community college to the university. There is so much transfer information available that sometimes students need a little extra help. Here in the Transfer Help section we have some great troubleshooting tips, FAQs and ways to contact real people who can help you out.


The answer to your question might be in our frequently asked questions. If you don't know where to start, try these tips:

  • Check the Step-By-Step Guide - College Student
  • Start with the end in mind - if you know what university you want to attend, check out the university transfer pages for BSU, CSI, CWI, CEI, ISU, LCSC, NIC and U of I

Do-It-Yourself Research

Dig a little deeper with these do-it-yourself research tools

Talk to Someone

If you still can't find what you're looking for, contact a transfer expert for help: